The discourse surrounding the remaining oil reservoirs on our planet is perhaps the most contentious debate of our era. While some envision centuries of oil extraction ahead, others warn of potential shortages as early as 2015. Adding to the complexity is the speculation that OPEC strategically manages major oil supplies to uphold market prices. In the realm of Crude Oil trading, two primary types take center stage: Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate (WTI). WTI serves as a benchmark for oil pricing, being the most referenced in oil prices and characterized by its light composition. In contrast, Brent Crude, sourced from the North Sea, differs in weight and constitutes two-thirds of internationally traded Crude Oil.

Crude Oil, the foundational form of petroleum, traces its origins back millions of years to the remnants of ancient aquatic plants and animals. Beyond its economic importance, historical societies like the Persians and pre-Columbian Indians attributed medicinal benefits to Crude Oil. Bitumen, a tarry form of crude, played diverse roles in ancient civilizations, from caulking ships to adorning jewels and securing weapon handles.

During the 19th century in America, the discovery of oil often brought dismay to pioneers seeking water or brine. The turning point came in 1854 with the invention of the kerosene lamp, sparking the first large-scale demand for petroleum.

Despite its rich history, Crude Oil remains a relatively abundant commodity. The world has already produced around 650 billion barrels, with another trillion barrels in proved reserves yet to be extracted. Serving as the world's inaugural trillion-dollar industry, Crude Oil continues to dominate global trade as the single largest product.


Originally coined from the Brent oilfield in the North Sea, located off the UK's coast, the term "Brent" has evolved to encompass four distinct crude oil grades sourced from various North Sea wells—Brent blend, Forties blend, Oseberg, and Ekofisk, collectively known as BFOE. Despite this amalgamation, Brent has transitioned to a slightly heavier oil, yet it remains relatively light and low in sulfur.

The strategic location of Brent, near the UK and Norway, makes it an accessible and sought-after commodity. Even with the increased weight, Brent remains ideal for refining processes. Its waterborne extraction from oil fields close to the UK coast enhances its appeal, facilitating direct offloading onto oil tankers for seamless global transportation.

Transportation flexibility extends to various options, including direct shipment via oil tankers across the seas or shorter distances to oil terminals like the Sullom Voe Terminal in the Shetland Islands for storage before loading onto tankers. Additionally, Brent can be efficiently sent through pipelines to refineries and storage facilities along the UK coast

The combination of easy transportation and high-quality positions Brent as an attractive investment. Its pivotal role in crude oil pricing and its global adoption as a major benchmark further solidifies Brent's status as the liquid gold of the North Sea, influencing the dynamics of the oil market on a global scale.


Natural Gas, a fossil fuel, maintains a colorless, shapeless, and odorless presence in its pure state, consisting primarily of methane. However, it can also encompass other hydrocarbon gases like ethane, propane, butane, and pentane. Known for its combustible nature, clean combustion, and high energy output, Natural Gas stands as a formidable energy resource.

Dating back to approximately 500 BC, the Chinese made a groundbreaking discovery regarding the harnessing of energy from Natural Gas. They ingeniously passed it through primitive bamboo shoot pipes, using the burned gas to boil seawater and create potable fresh water. Fast forward to 1785, and Britain pioneered the commercial use of Natural Gas produced from coal, employing it for streetlights and indoor illumination.

In 1821, William Hart marked a significant milestone by digging the first well explicitly designed for obtaining Natural Gas, earning him the title of the "father of Natural Gas in America."

Abundant reservoirs of Natural Gas are estimated to still lie beneath the surface in the US. As an energy source, Natural Gas proves significantly more cost-effective than electricity per British thermal unit (Btu), with Btu being a traditional unit of energy equivalent to about 1,055 joules or roughly the energy required to heat one pound of water.

The Natural Gas futures contract involves the delivery of 10,000 million British thermal units (mmBtu) at the Henry Hub in Louisiana, a prominent distribution hub serving as the nexus for 16 intra and interstate pipelines.
